Coming to SyFy...The Banana Splits Movie! But it's not what you think.

Remember the Banana Splits? Four kinda dopey looking...animals? Monsters? What were they? I don't know...basically they were guys in animal suits. The characters named Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper, and Snork were the hosts of The Banana Splits Adventure Hour, a cartoon filled show produced by Hanna-Barbera. They were a band too! Well the Banana Splits have a new movie coming out soon! But before you get too excited, it's a little different than you might expect. Basically it's The Banana Splits meets Five Nights at Freddy's! You know the jump-scare horror video game with the animatronic animals? So, in this new movie made for the Syfy network is about a little boy named Harley who is a huge Banana Splits fan. For his birthday he and his family go to a taping of the TV show, but they quickly realize that the characters are killer robots! And this movie is rated R for horror violence and gore!

The Banana Splits Movie will premiere on Syfy later this year. Check out the trailer!

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