It's Time for Children's Auditions for Trinity Rep's A Christmas Carol!

Is your kid an aspiring actor? Young men and women ages 8 to 12 are welcome to audition for the role of Tiny Tim and other children in Trinity Rep's production of A Christmas Carol! They're being held this Saturday, September 7th from 9am to 1pm at Cardi's Furniture and Mattresses in S. Attleboro, MA. Children are asked to are asked to prepare 30 seconds or less of their favorite holiday song to sing, as well as be prepared to read the ACC Child Audition, Side 1 and the ACC Child Audition, Side 2. Come prepared, but lines do not need to be memorized. Actors with disabilities are encouraged to audition. Performers must be able to speak, memorize lines, sing, climb stairs, and be lifted by the adult actors. Actors must also bring the Child Actor Audition Form 2019.

Rehearsals for children take place Tuesday-Friday from 4:00 -7:00 pm and mid-day on Saturdays and Sundays from October to November. Performances run November 7 – December 29 and do include daytime student matinees. Good luck kids! Who knows, maybe this could be your big break!

BTW...Tickets are already on sale! Get yours before they sell out!

Kristin and Steve chatted with the Cardis about the auditions, have a listen!

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