Over the years, Hasbro has released many different versions of it's popular board game Monopoly. From Star Wars and Disney editions of the game, to some more tongue-in-cheek versions like Monopoly for Millennials and Monopoly Socialism (yes that one really exists), the game remains as popular today as when it first debuted back in 1935. Well now they've come up with a girl power version of the game called Ms. Monopoly! Game play is basically the same, however girls have some advantages. Women get some extra cash at the start of the game! The ladies start with $1900, while the guys get $1500. Girls also make more dough than the men for every trip around the board, raking in $240 instead of the standard $200 for passing "Go." Ms. Monopoly also highlights female inventions, and that is what you purchase as you work your way through the game. They've also added some modern updates including "ride shares" instead of "railroads." It's an interesting twist for women, but do you think any men would be willing to play?