Missing Football Already? Then Get Ready For The XFL

As the football season came to end this past Sunday you or those you know may have begun to experience some withdrawal like symptoms.

A surplus of free time, lack of interest with ESPN, and even an empty longing feeling lingering in your gut have all been noted as side effects.

With those effected on the rise it looks like Vince McMahon has decided to come up with a solution. The XFL is making it's debut this coming Saturday Feb 8th. Now you may remember that once upon a time Vince tried this concept. There were explosions, camera's in the cheerleaders locker rooms... and a lot of very weird and things that really had nothing to do with football.

This time around, while the rules will be a bit different making the game a tad faster, Football will be at the forefront of the show. Personally I am just curious to see what happens so I will be tuning in, but if you want to learn more you can find that HERE and see their official commercial below!

Photo Credit: Getty/Stephen Dunn/Staff

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