Massachusetts Named Best State to Be a Working Mom!

WalletHub just released their list of the best and worst states for being a working mom, and all of the New England states made the top 10! They took into account 17 different factors including availability of childcare, also professional opportunities and work-life balance to come up with the list. Massachusetts came in at number one with a total score of 68.22! They were second for child care and 1st for work-life balance. And good job Rhode Island, we're 7th! Here's the rest of the top 10.

1. Massachusetts

2. Minnesota

3. Vermont

4. Connecticut

5. District of Columbia

6. New Jersey

7. Rhode Island

8. Maine

9. New Hampshire

10. Wisconsin

CLICK HERE to check out the entire list!

Photo Credit: Westend61

Mother and little daughter sitting on the floor at home using laptop and tablet

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