Why Cats Like to Knock Stuff Off Counters!

Let me start off by saying I love cats. I have four very spoiled cats living at my home. But let's be honest...they can be jerks. For some reason cats LOVE to knock stuff off of counters and tables. I once saw a meme on social media that said "The Earth is definitely not flat...because if it was cats would have knocked everything off of it by now." Why do they do this? Is it just to aggravate us? Do they enjoy watching us fetch whatever they drop or smash?

Cathy Bosley thinks she has some answers. She's a certified feline training and behavior specialist and she says, “Most cats knock items off the tables and counters to get attention or to simply play with the item.”

She says if it's happening a lot, maybe your cat is bored, or needs you to better meet their needs. Bosley recommends changing out their toys from time to time to keep things interesting. Also give them some extra attention and feed them at regular times.

If you see your cat about to jump up on a counter or table to knock something down, distract them with a toy, or even leave the room since they might be doing the behavior for attention. And obviously, don't leave anything you don't want broken in a place where your cat likes to hang out.

Photo Credit: Getty Images / Dzmitry Ryshchuk

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