Tequila Tuesday: Old Fashion Edition

I know, I know. Tequila Tuesday is normally for Tequila drinks. I get it. It's in the name. BUT sometimes you just gotta mix things up every now and then so I figured today we would celebrate with a little bit of Whisky.

Drinks with friends

Now story has it, the Old Fashion was created in Louisville but perfect in New York City. In fact it's said that the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel bar in NYC was the very first establishment to ever have the cocktail. Obviously it was a hit because now any bar tender worth their salt has to have this recipe down pack.

That being said, since bars aren't really the place to be these days I figured I would pass along a pretty simple recipe to tide us over until things get a little bit more back to normal.

Now you may want to make a list and plan out a night since a few of these ingredients aren't exactly staples in the average house...I mean, where does someone ever get a Bougainvillea Flower Bougainvillea Flower? I hadn't even heard of one until this recipe! However other than the flower, you shouldn't have a problem making this easy and yet fancy drink at home.

The Recipe:

2 oz Rye Whiskey

1 oz Bar Max Bougainvillea Liqueur

1 Bar Spoon Blue Agave Syrup

Lemon Oil Mist

Garnish: Bougainvillea Flower


Photo Credit: Getty/Christian Jarvis

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