Tiny Owl Hitchhikes to NYC in Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree!

Last Thursday the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree was cut down in upstate New York, and then trucked down to New York City. Well the tree had a tiny hitchhiker that rode the entire 170 miles!

A little owl was rescued from the 75-foot Norway spruce by one of the workers once the tree arrived at it's destination. The man thought the bird was a baby because it is so small, but it turns out it's the smallest species of owl in the Northeast, an adult male Saw-whet owl.

The Ravensbeard Wildlife Center in Saugerties, New York posted a picture of the little guy on their Facebook page. He's so cute! He was checked out by a veterinarian who said the bird was hungry but healthy. After a buffet of mice, they'll send him on his way.

The plan is to release the owl in the town of Saugerties, rather than make the long, traumatic trip back to where it came from. His name, of course, is "Rockefeller."

Photo Credit: Micah Walter/Getty Images News

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