Murder, Mystery & Makeup: My New Obsession

So, I'm not really into following YouTubers. However, ever since one of my girlfriends told me about Bailey Sarian I have been obsessed and if you like murder, mystery and make up you will be too!

It looks like Bailey's been around for a few years now, however about 2 year ago she starting posting these crazy videos about murder mysteries while she did her makeup. That's really when she took off. Now I can't remember if I've ever told you but murder mysteries are 100% my jam. Growing up other than HGTV we pretty much exclusively watched them whenever my mother had control of the TV. And ever since then I've always been really drawn to their stories.

Bailey not only presents these crazy murder stories that for the most part I had never heard of BUT she does it while putting on her makeup and man, she is good. Plus her presentation style is so engaging. I'm telling you, you watch one video and you instantly want to be her bestfriend.

Now she does have billions of videos but the one below she posted earlier today and it really drew me in so I figured I would share, so enjoy and "I'll talk to you guys later....bye" (watch till the end of the video and you'll totally get that lol)

Photo Credit: Getty

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