Bear Bites Woman On The Backside In An Outhouse In Alaska!

File this in the "it would only happen in Alaska" folder...well I suppose it could happen in Maine too. A woman there had a VERY close encounter with the local wildlife! Shannon Stevens was vacationing with her brother and his girlfriend at a yurt in Haines, Alaska on Saturday. Yeah I had to Google what a "yurt" is's a big, round tent/cabin kinda thing. Anyway, they're staying in this yurt, which doesn't have a bathroom, there's only an outhouse. While doing her business in the outhouse, something bit her on the backside!! She ran out screaming, so her brother went in the outhouse to see what bit her. He lifted the lid to discover a giant bear head looking back at him! He ran away too, and after dressing her injuries that were minor thankfully, they took shelter in the yurt until morning. When they woke up they saw bear tracks all over the site, but the animal itself was gone. Yikes!

Photo Credit: Getty Images / MONIKA SKOLIMOWSKA / DPA

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