The Tooth Fairy is Paying Out More Money Than Ever!

While congress bickers over raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, little kids are making bank! The Tooth Fairy is paying out big bucks for tiny, lost teeth! The average amount of money left under pillows this year is at an all time high of $4.70, that's the highest amount this poll has ever recorded and it's been conducted for 23 years now.

Delta Dental's The Original Tooth Fairy Poll has found a significant increase in Tooth Fairy payout rates from last year when the average was $4.03 per tooth. Kids here in the Northeast find the most cash under their pillow in the morning with an average of $5.72. Well, the cost of living is higher here than lots of other areas. Children in the South earn $4.45, the closest to the national average. Out West, the value of a tooth skyrocketed 2 bucks from last year to an average $5.54, while kids in the Midwest take in the least amount, again. The Tooth Fairy only leaves them an average of $3.66! Read more about the poll HERE!

Photo Credit: Getty Images / ktaylorg E+

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