International Women's Day: Steve's Sister Chris is His Inspiration!

Hey it's Steve....Happy International Women's Day! If I had to choose just one woman that inspired would have to be my sister, Chris.

Chris battled breast cancer...twice...and kicked it's ass both times! Chris was a single mom of 2...her son is autistic and required extra attention.

Absolutely no help from her ex.

Chris and her family enjoyed living in Florida, but unfortunately didn't have extended family for help, so essentially was doing all this on her own with some help from some really great friends.

At one point,Chris was given less than a year to live...she proved them all wrong for another 7 years so she could be around to see her son get into his senior year.

We lost her in the summer of 2018.

My sister Chris was on the toughest, bravest and funniest women I have ever had the privilege of knowing...she is greatly missed.

Photo Credit: Steve Kelly

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