Amazon's Jeff Bezos to Begin Space Flights in July

Your vacation this Summer could be out of this world. No, really! Amazon's Jeff Bezos says he's gonna shoot people into space starting this July!

His company Blue Origin made the big announcement yesterday about their New Shepherd spacecraft which they say will finally be ready for it's first suborbital flight this Summer.

That very first seat on the spaceship will be up for auction. Bidding will be done over five weeks. The proceeds will be donated to the company's foundation, and the winner will get to ride into space for that first tourism flight on July 20th.

You'll travel 62 miles above the planet into suborbital space. While you're up there you'll feel some weightlessness for a few minutes, check out the curvature of the planet and then plummet back to Terra Firma in a pressurized capsule suspended on parachutes.

Along with that maiden flight, Blue Origin said a couple more flights are scheduled before year's end. Still no word what tickets will cost, but they were originally going to go for around $200,000 each! Start saving those pennies!

Photo Credit: Getty Images / Mark Wilson

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