A Giant 3-D Cat Billboard Is Drawing Lots of Attention In Tokyo!

Oh my gosh I would just sit and stare at this thing all day! I love watching cat videos on social media, and this is a mega sized cat video! And it's 3D!

A 1,664-square-foot, curved screen billboard was just erected on the roof of a building in Tokyo, and it's a giant high-definition video screen that displays a massive 3D cat that moves and meows! It's estimated that over 190 thousand people pass by this billboard every day so it's getting a lot of exposure, and the video of this 3D feline runs for 18 hours a day. The kitty stars meowing, and sleeping and doing other assorted cat stuff at 7am, and he's at it until 1am.

The new technology used to create this 3D cat is called Cross Shinjuku Vision. It really is pretty cool, but I'm sure also more than a little distracting for drivers. Check out the video!

Photo: Getty Images

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