Richard Marx Releases New Autobiography and Greatest Hits Album!

Hey it's Kristin! In the late 80s and early 90s Richard Marx was everywhere on the radio making us all cry with his ballads. He’s just released his autobiography Stories to Tell and a new album to go along with it called "Stories to Tell: Greatest Hits and More” which is available now at, iTunes, Apple Music, etc. and I’m so excited that I got to chat with him about it!

Richard released a Greatest Hits compilation album in 1997, but this new record has his mega hits plus all kinds of never before heard music on there. He spent a lot of time going through the archives to find stuff he thought his fans would enjoy hearing including several demos and live versions of his popular songs.

This album goes along with his autobiography which he wrote during the pandemic. He says he wanted to do it for a long time, but the pandemic finally gave him the time to get it done.

In the book Marx talks about the tougher side of the music business dealing with record executives, and then the good side performing for his fans!

Listen to my interview with Richard Marx below!

Photo Credit: Daybreak Entertainment

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