There Was A Rush of Babies Born During "Bomb Cyclone"

Last week's nor'easter apparently caused higher than normal births on Nantucket ! Quick !! Somebody start boiling some water ...STAT ! LOL!

The only hospital on the small island off Cape Cod, Massachusetts (Nantucket Cottage Hospital ) says five newborns were delivered, including three which were unplanned. Nurse manager Beverly Turney said over the years, when the barometric pressure drops, it causes all kinds of change in both surrounding atmosphere and pregnant women have their water break prematurely.(much to the surprise of the expectant mother ...and probably father as well) So I guess it's really no big surprise when that happens that Labor/Delivery rooms see a bit more traffic during those events.

The National Weather Service said last week's storm was a "bomb cyclone", which is measured by an extreme pressure drop that was centered on , you guessed it , Nantucket.

Photo: Getty Images

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