The Nightmare of Marrying into a Turkey Trot Family

The internet is a place where people commiserate over pseudo-fears, such as “listening to music with earphones on public transport and finding out everyone can hear it.” And this time of year, once such pseudo-fear always comes up—on Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit, people claim their “biggest fear” is “marrying into a family that does the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving mornings.” According to Outside Online, there are more than a thousand Turkey Trots across the US on Thanksgiving, and the tradition has been going strong since the very first one that was held in Buffalo, New York, in 1896. Usually the trot is a one-mile run to a half marathon, though the standard distance is a 5K. It seems many people dislike the idea of a turkey trot for a few reasons, one being they don’t want more family time on a day already packed with it, another being that figuring out how many calories one needs to burn to offset Thanksgiving dinner is problematic, and another being that many young adults like to go out partying on Thanksgiving eve—and hangovers don’t pair well with running the next morning.....especially when you're running for the asprin.


Photo: Getty Images

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