Why Some Sleep with Arms Above their head?

Do you sleep with your arms above your head? If so you are in the minority. A 2017 study found that “starfish sleepers,” or those who lie on their back with their arms near their head or pillow, make up only seven percent of the population. Dr. Shane Creado is a sleep medicine doctor and psychiatrist and says most people sleep on their non-dominant side, he adds, “Our subconscious mind may feel safer [sleeping on the side], as your dominant hand can raise up to protect you in case of attack.” Chris Brantner is a certified sleep science coach and says that while sleeping in a certain position each night could just be a habit, another explanation for sleeping in starfish position could be that you raise your arms above your head to create extra space for cuddles. He also adds that you might be sleeping this way due to having issues breathing while you’re asleep, as this position naturally opens up the lungs. Also, Brantner says he isn’t sure how much stock he puts into deciphering someone’s personality based on their sleep position alone, but that many people believe starfish sleepers aren’t comfortable being the center of attention, and may also be better listeners than other people

Source-Elite Daly

Photo: Getty Images

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