Americans are reading less and less now

Reading is not a thing for Americans anymore apparently....

A Gallup poll is reporting that Americans are reading fewer books than in the past. Respondents reported they were reading an average of 12.6 books per year. That's two or three fewer than they reported between 2001 and 2016.

It's also the smallest number reported in any survey dating back to 1990. The reasons for the decline in reading were not immediately clear, but could perhaps be because of a lack of interest, a lack of time, or COVID-19 related disruptions. My guess would be the home school situation took away the time and desire for a lot of the parents in the survey.

They did say the poll notes that college graduates, women and older Americans also are reading a bit less. They are the biggest groups that read to begin with.


African American woman reading something from e-reader at home.

Photo: Getty Images

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