Biggest Wastes of Money

There are a lot of things folks spend way too much money on. And while some of those things are worth the extra cash they shell out, there are some that are just a complete waste of hard-earned dollars, and now people are calling those things out.

Someone on Reddit posed the question, “What in your opinion is the biggest waste of money?,” A lot of folks chimed in!

Responses include:

  • “Name-brand shoes for toddlers and pre-schoolers. They’re not gonna stay clean and they’ll grow out of them faster than you think.”
  • “Gold flake covered food.”
  • “Buying new electronics every year just because it’s a new model.”
  • “Often out of season fruits (like strawberries in the winter) are really expensive and taste like water.”
  • “Diamonds because of all the artificial scarcity, I was told if anything buy precious stones. That’s why if you look at royalty they always have rare or precious stones.”
  • “From what little I understand of it I’m going to say NFTs.”
  • “Weddings/wedding dresses. I have nothing against marriage, but I think spending 30k on a wedding and 10k on a dress is absolutely insane and pointless, and has nothing to do with marriage.”
  • “Buying products from the Kardashians. Actually from any celeb.”
  • “All the food delivery services. It’s obscene how much more expensive it makes a meal.”
  • “Funerals: nothing better to honor a loved one with than personal bankruptcy.”
  • “Designer clothes. You're paying for the manufacturer to get free advertising. I'm walking around advertising your clothes, now pay me!”
  • “Gambling, you're literally saying here's 100 dollars give me some amount less on average.”

Photo: Getty Images

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