The Most Popular Netflix Feature is 'Skip Intro!'

If you subscribe to Netflix, I’m sure you’ve noticed that ‘Skip Intro’ button. Once you’ve watched the opening credits of a show on the first episode of a series, there’s really no reason to watch it again, so you hit that button.  

Cameron Johnson is the Director of Product Innovation for Netflix and he says users love that fast-forwarding feature! They found that Netflix users pressed that “Skip Intro” button around 136 million times each day!!  

Johnson says that one of the Netflix engineers said, “I’m not sure that if you put a button that said ‘free cupcake’ that it would get more clocks than ‘Skip Intro.’”  

It's such a popular idea that other streamers like Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ have added a similar feature to their platforms. 

Photo: Getty Images

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