Elton Writes Letters to his Kids on HIS Birthday!

Elton John turned 75 on Friday and he celebrated by writing a letter to his sons, 11-year-old Zachary and 9-year-old ElijahHe shared the letter in "Time Magazine." 

The letter had some sweet family memories in it. "We were in Las Vegas in 2018, and your Papa brought you to the show," Elton wrote. "You were amazed by it all, the lights and the costumes and the crowd. Afterward, you both said: 'I didn't know Daddy could do that.'"

He also shared some experiences he had during his younger days, admitting that he "didn't know I could do it, either." Elton shared, "You're 11 and 9 years old now, and when I was your age, I could never have dreamed where life would take me. Looking back over the past 75 years, there is so much I am proud of, so much I have learned."

He continued, "When I was young, I was told to fit in, to do what others expected even when it didn't feel right. Now I realize I can only be me. Being true to myself is what gave me my voice, and helped me face my greatest fears...," adding, "Whoever you grow up to be, just be you — fully and completely you."

Can you imagine...opening those letters when they're in say their mid 20's? How Cool would that be?!


Photo: Getty Images

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