Each year people make resolutions to get healthy, but it sure sounds like not many people are actually sticking to that.
New survey finds:
- 53% of Americans say they don’t consider their lifestyle “healthy.”
- As for what’s keeping them from adopting a healthy lifestyle, excuses include:
- Don’t understand the best actions to take in order to be healthy (39%).
- Being overwhelmed with different options (39%)
- The cost (36%)
- Lack of time (35%)
- Lack of resources (35%)
- Lack of support from loved ones (31%)
- But many folks do plan to change their ways in order to get healthy.
- The average person says they either started, or plan to start, focusing on their health by age 36.
- The areas of their health they plan to focus on include:
- Physical (78%)
- Mindfulness/mental health (73%)
- Nutrition/healthy eating (65%)
- As for the steps they plan to take to improve their health, they include:
- Healthy eating (43%)
- Regular exercise (42%)
- Taking time for myself every day (41%)
- Taking vitamins and/or supplements (41%)
- Regular movement (39%)
- Cutting back on unhealthy things (smoking, alcohol, etc.) (39%)
- Seeing my doctor regularly (39%)
- Meditation (34%)
- Cutting back on screen time (31%)
Source-SWNS Digital