Most Americans Want Workplace to Offer Mental Health Days

Even if you love your job, and let’s honest, a lot of people don’t, sometimes you just need a break or your mental health will decline, well it turns out, some people may need a lot of those breaks.

New survey finds:

  • 70% of workers feel employers need to offer mental health days in addition to sick days.
  • The average worker believes they need a week’s worth of mental health days to be productive at their job.
  • The average employee admits they’ve taken four mental health days over the past year.
  • 38% have taken more than that, with 72% planning on taking one before the year is over.
  • 78% of workers say they would be more productive at work if they had mental health days and/or more access to affordable mental health services.
  • 64% would be more willing to work for a company who offers such services. 

So, what do people do with their mental health days in order to recuperate? 

  • 44% exercise to keep their energy up.
  • 42% sleep in and relax to recharge.
  • 43% watch TV to unwind.

Source-SWNS Digital

Photo: Getty Images

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