Play in the Meghan Duffy Golf Tournament to Benefit A Wish Come True

One of the hardest working people at A Wish Come True is the Board President Colleen Duffy. Not only does she volunteer hours upon hours of her time to this wonderful charity, but she also has her own annual fundraising event, the Meghan K Duffy Foundation Memorial Golf and Tennis Tournament that is coming up on August 15th at Ledgemont Country Club. 

The money raised goes towards scholarship in memory of Colleen’s daughter Meghan who passed away after a battle with metastatic Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in September 2007, as well as a hardship fund that benefits struggling Wish families at A Wish Come True.  

Enjoy a fun day of golf or tennis at this beautiful location and support a great cause! Click HERE to buy your tickets or support the event as a sponsor! 

And listen to my interview with Colleen below. 

Foto: Colleen Duffy/AWCT

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