Bad Airplane Etiquette

Looks like we are constantly hearing about an unruly passenger getting arrested or detained after a flight. But those passengers represent the extremes of how badly people act on planes these days, and there are plenty of other little things travelers due to annoy their fellow flyers.

  • A survey by The Vacationer reveals travelers’ thoughts on the rudest airline behavior, and we doubt many people will be too surprised.
  • Overall, seat kickers (59.11%), and disruptive drunks (59.11%) are considered the most annoying plane etiquette violators.
  • That’s followed by:
    • Smells from poor hygiene or too much cologne (48%)
    • Inattentive/Poor parenting (46.81%)
    • Eating pungent or smelly food (39.8%)
    • Hogging the armrest (39.07%)
    • Fully reclines seat in front of you (38.25%)
    • Talks too much (29.87%)
    • Boards or deplanes out of turn (29.6%)
    • Listens to music/movies too loudly (28.96%)
    • Takes off shoes (23.59%)
    • Flirting with you, passengers, or flight attendants (21.89%)
    • Gets up to use restroom or stretch too much (19.95%)
    • Uses overhead bin space many rows in front of seat (18.12%)
    • Overly affectionate couples (14.12%)
    • Requests too much from flight attendants (13.02%)
  •  And apparently there are some travelers who can put up with virtually anything, with almost 12% of those polled saying none of these behaviors annoy them. (note-I'm not one of them)

Source-The Vacationer

Photo: Getty Images

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