Vintage Halloween Party Games Ranked

If you want to go old school with your Halloween party, there are some timeless games you can play. Why should all the fun be left to kids? “Mandatory” has put together their top games for your party:

  1. Bobbing for apples
  2. Ouija Board
  3. Pumpkin carving
  4. Mystery box: It should also be filled with brains (Jell-O), eyeballs (grapes with the skin removed), worms (spaghetti), and tarantula legs (grape stems). Drink every time someone screams in revulsion
  5. Mummy wrap: Make two teams and pick one soon-to-be mummy for each squad. Each team should wrap their mummy in toilet paper. As soon as he or she is completely covered, they win. You might need an impartial judge for this one.
  6. Gourd bowling. Set the gourds up like bowling pins and use a pumpkin without a stem as the ball
  7. Dangling doughnuts. Kind of like bobbing for apples, only in the air
  8. Scarecrow Relay. this one requires two teams. Set the makings of a scarecrow costume (or just old, baggy clothes) at the end of the race. It’s a relay race consisting of players running to the clothes, scrambling to put them on, running back, taking them off, and then the next player goes. This continues until your whole team has completed the task (or you get tired LOL)
Friends at Halloween Party

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