Secret Santa Pays Single Mom’s Rent For A Year

A single mom that cares for her adult son with special needs got a huge surprise from the East Idaho Secret Santa. We’ve told you many times about this Secret Santa who distributes around $1-million each Christmas to people in need across Eastern Idaho. Well, this week, his helper Nate Eaton delivered an extra special gift to a deserving mom in Blackfoot, Idaho.

Dannette lives with and cares for her 28-year-old son, Brighton, who has special needs that make it impossible for him to ever be on his own. She’s also had a lot of health issues and uses a cane to get around. But despite this, those who know her say she doesn’t complain and tries to do it all with no help. So when Secret Santa heard about Dannette and her son, he wanted to do something to help them.

Eaton showed up at their home recently and handed her a gift wrapped box with $2-thousand in gas cards inside. Then he handed Brighton another box. Inside it was a check made out to their landlord for $15-thousand, enough to pay their rent for the next year. Dannette fought back tears as she said thank you over and over. “Thank you so much for everything,” she said. “This is such a huge blessing in our lives.”

Photo: Getty Images

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