Things People Miss About Being In COVID Lockdown

The pandemic was a nightmare in many ways and when forced quarantine finally ended, most people came out grateful to return to their regular lives. But it seems some later found that time wasn’t all bad. A Reddit thread asks people to share what they miss about the lockdown period of COVID and nearly 15-thousand people have shared their thoughts on this one.

You may be able to relate to these experiences people admit missing from that time:

  • “Not feeling guilty for never leaving my home and all of the quality time my girlfriend and I spent together.”
  • “The background noises being switched off - no traffic, no planes in the sky, no horns blaring. Also the sense of community it brought with neighbors checking in on each other and if anyone needed anything.”
  • “I actually saved a lot of money.”
  • “Not having a cold for 2 years.”
  • “Honestly, when it all started and we were all making bread and didn't really know what was going to happen, I hate to admit it, but it was kind of exciting.”
  • “Commuting - reduced to none, 100% WFH. And the occasional trips to the office taking 10 minutes instead of an hour. I do miss empty roads.”
  • “In July 2020, it dawned on me that there were practically no airplanes in the sky. I ventured out to get a night sky shot I’d been dreaming about:
  • “My German shepherd boy, Beorn, died almost 2 years ago. Got to spend all day every day with him in 2020.”
  • “Everyone was just like ‘just get what you can done.’”
  • “The air smelled and felt so much cleaner due to less traffic around where I live, also it was so much quieter due to less people being around.”
  • “It was the healthiest I’ve ever been, it was the wealthiest I’ve ever been, it was the happiest I’ve ever been, it was the most freedom I’ve ever enjoyed. It was much easier to do my job working from home.”
  • “It was okay to be struggling mentally, now it just feels like everyone expects you to just shake it off and go on like nothing happened.
  • “People being kind and supportive to each other. It didn’t last long, but it was nice while it did.”

Photo: Getty Images

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