Tell Tale Signs That "This Person Peaked in High School"

Think of the stereotype of someone peaking in high school (Al Bundy...Uncle Rico ?), someone from your teen years probably pops into your head. And that’s because most of us can agree on the habits and behaviors we associate with that trope. A popular Ask Reddit thread has folks offering their thoughts on the question, “What screams ‘this person peaked in high school’ to you?”

From more than 14-thousand responses, these are some "gems":

  • “Regularly reposting the same picture of the one notable moment that they had in high school.”
  • “Bragging about high-school hookups in their thirties.”
  • “Still acting like a typical ‘Mean Girl’ when they're past 30.”
  • “Anyone who bullies other adults as if they were still in high school.”
  • “Constantly talking about their high school sport experiences. Buddy you’re 32. Nobody cares that you lettered in lacrosse and basketball.”
  • “My ex-stepmother constantly bragged about being a cheerleader in high school and winning a beauty walk (in a town of like 500 people). She was still bragging about these the last time I saw her. She was in her mid-40s.”
  • “I had a teacher who said ‘these are the best years of your lives.’ Since I graduated in 2003, every single year has been better than every year of school since I can really remember.”
  • “In my experience, it's the people that talk about things that happened in High School as if it were yesterday. Constantly.”
  • “Cheating on their current partner with the person they dated in high school.”
  • “Under ‘College/University’ in their Facebook profile, it says ‘School of Hard Knocks.’”
  • “They want to organize high school reunions every 5 years.”
  • “They tattooed their last name across their shoulders.”
  • “A girl my siblings and I went to high school with has put on her cheerleading uniform too many times and posted on FB to show that it still fits. It’s pretty pathetic. We’re in our late 30s/early 40s.”
  • “Anyone who bullies other adults as if they were still in High School”
  • “How do you know if someone peaked in high school? Don't worry, they'll tell you.”


Empty School Hall

Photo: Getty Images

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