What Folks Want In A Balanced Lifestyle

People say they want to live a healthy lifestyle, but only a third of Americans are satisfied with their wellness, new research finds. According to a survey of 2-thousand U.S. adults, two in three think there’s room for improvement in terms of their wellness.

The poll also reveals:

  • Caring for their well-being is a priority for 70% of respondents and a similar number (67%) say the same about living a “balanced life.”
  • Top priorities for achieving a balanced lifestyle include being more conscious about what their body wants and needs (73%), drinking alcohol in moderation (46%), spending more time outdoors (45%) and creating routines and habits to stay on track (41%).
  • Just over three-quarters (78%) say they understand that these goals won’t happen without drastic changes to their current lifestyle.
  • For a successful wellness journey, people say they’ll need willpower (48%), perseverance (47%) consistency (42%) and support from other people (33%).
  • More than a third (37%) would be open-minded about a trend that’s recommended by a celebrity and 31% would be open to one suggested by trusted people in their life.
  • Even though changes can be hard work, respondents say the effort is worth it because it helps them feel organized (58%) and focused (56%) and once they see the changes happening, they feel accomplished (56%).
  • Nearly half of those surveyed say they’d try “mindful drinking” (46%) in order to reach their wellness goals.

Source-SWNS Digital

Photo: Getty Images

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