Martha Stewart Reveals Her Secrets to Looking Young at 81

You know Martha Stewart is 81 years old? I had no idea, just found that out. You would never know it by looking at her. She looks fabulous!  

I saw an Instagram selfie that she posted the other day. Bad weather cancelled her flight to Chicago and because of that she missed a speaking engagement. She said she used the “newly found time” to head to the salon for a mani/pedi and a haircut.  

Fans commented saying how amazing she looked and asked her what her secret is. 

She responded, "Eating very well Pilates three x week. Horseback ride at least once a week. No smoking. Little drinking Green juice Daily"  

I would probably add hanging out with Snoop Dogg to that list because that'll keep you young. 

Source: Pop Sugar

Photo: Getty Images

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