No one will admit it, but everyone lies. According to Reddit, there are some lies that everyone tells. A thread has people calling out the common lies people say all the time and they’re pretty much spot on.

  • "I’m good/fine/OK.”
  • "It was nice talking to you."
  • "I've read the terms and conditions."
  • "Don't worry about it."
  • "'I’m almost there.' (Shows up 20 minutes later.)"
  • "'If there's anything I/we can do, just let us know.' I've always wanted to say something like, 'OK, pay my power bill next month.'"
  • "'If you work hard, you will be successful.'
  • "I don’t judge."
  • "Oh wow, yeah, I'll definitely have to watch that show you recommended, thanks!"
  • "'Sorry I missed your call.' No I'm not, I was looking at the phone when it started ringing and chose to ignore it."
  • "I’ll quit (insert bad habit) tomorrow."
  • "I'm busy right now."
  • “I don’t know where your really loud and annoying toy went, sweetie! It’s a mystery. How about you play with your coloring book instead?”
  • "'I don’t care what others think of me.' Lots of people say this, but I don’t think it's possible to not care."
  • "To the dentist: 'Yes, of course, I will floss every day.'"
  • "Deep down, I'm really a good person."
  • "When people deny peeing in the shower."
  • "Oh, life will slow down after (high school, college, getting first job)."
  • "Five more minutes."
  • "I’m sorry, I have other plans that night."


Concept of lies. Lie detector with text.

Photo: Getty Images

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