Halloween is just a few weeks away, and we already covered America’s favorite candy, now new research is revealing the worst. Shiny Smiles Veneers talked to 1,000 Americans about their candy preferences, as well as which candy causes the most dental issues and how the sweets have impacted their teeth.

Their survey shows:

  • While Halloween and candy go hand-in-hand, 35% have suffered from candy-related dental issues.
  • The most common ones are teeth sensitivity, tooth pain and damaged crowns and fillings.
  • Americans have spent an average of $538.28 fixing their teeth after a dental accident caused by candy.
  • The most dangerous Halloween candy for teeth - the one that causes the most dental issues - is Jawbreakers. Jolly Ranchers, Bit-O-Honey, Starburst and Tootsie Rolls round out the top five.
  • The top candy that gets stuck in teeth is Laffy Taffy, followed by BIt-O-Honey and Tootsie Rolls.
  • Jawbreakers also top the list of candy people loved as a kid, but won’t touch now. Candy corn is second, followed by Blow Pops, Fun Dip and AirHeads.
  • The candy parents hate most is also Jawbreakers, then Atomic Fireballs, Bit-O-Honey, Blow Pops and Hot Tamales.
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, M&Ms and KitKat are considered the best Halloween candy to receive.

As for the worst candy, this is most hated candy to get on Halloween

  1. Candy Corn
  2. Hot Tamales
  3. Atomic Fireball
  4. Jawbreaker
  5. Bit-O-Honey
  6. Peeps
  7. Hot Tamales Fire & Ice
  8. Brach’s Pumpkins
  9. Dots
  10. Almond Joy

Source-Shiny Smile Veneers

Photo: nkbimages / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

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