'Bruce in the USA' Stops at PPAC June 22nd, Listen to Kristin's Interview

The Providence Performing Art Center’s Cool Summer Nights concerts kick off Saturday, June 22 with "Bruce in the USA." This Bruce Springsteen and the E. Street Band tribute show is led by Matt Ryan as The Boss.

Matt began performing as Springsteen in the "Legends in Concert" show out in Las Vegas back in 2000, and that morphed into his own show which he brings on tour!

Tickets are very affordable for this show, they start at just $10, with the top price at $45. 

Tickets are still available at the PPAC Box Office, located at 220 Weybosset Street in downtown Providence. You can also purchase them online at ppacri.org and by phone at 401.421.ARTS (2787).  

Plus, Kristin and Steve will have your tickets every morning this week at 7:25am with the B101 Game App!

Listen to Kristin's interview with Matt below!

Photo: PPAC

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