Okay I'm willing to bet this has happened to you. You see something you like online so you buy it. Then when it arrives, it's less than impressive in real life. At my house we're getting ready for this year's Halloween party and the theme is pirates. I bought a pirate jacket that looked great in the photo, but when I got it it was cheap and way to big, so I had to return it. While situations like this happen to everyone from time to time, apparently not everyone returns those items.
A new survey found that only 56 percent of people with buyers remorse will go ahead and mail back the item. Twenty nine percent say they'll keep the purchase but give it away as a gift, and believe it or not, 30 percent say they'll just throw it out!
Because of that they say over the course of their lifetime, the average American will waste over $70,000 on those disappointing purchases!
The items people are most underwhelmed by include clothes, tech and children's toys.
Photo: Getty Images