A new bill has been introduced here in Rhode Island that would ban the sale of nip liquor bottles in the state!
The bill put forth by Democratic state Rep. David Bennett seeks to reduce the amount of waste that litters the side of the road by banning plastic alcohol containers smaller than 100 milliliters.
According to Turn to 10, the owners of Airport Liquors in Warwick help to pick up litter around the state, and say over half of what they collect is made up of nip bottles. On my street they’re everywhere you look! Apparently, lots of drinking and driving is happening in Rhode Island!
Diuccio is for the bill saying, "You see these things littering the road and it's disheartening, it's really time, it needs to go." Meanwhile other liquor store owners are not fans of the idea. Sal Saliba owner of Broadway Liquors in Providence says 20% of his business is from selling nips.
If you think you’ll just head over the border to Massachusetts to buy your nips, think again. The Bay State has already decided to ban nips, and the law will go into effect on May 11th. Read the entire NBC 10 story HERE.
Photo: Getty Images