Hollywood has come to New Bedford! The new movie “Finestkind” a crime-thriller is being filmed there now after moving from Fairhaven. Several streets have been blocked off for production including Harbor and Cove streets and other parts of the South End of New Bedford.
The locals are all excited about it and they’re crowding around the area to watch hoping to get a glimpse of some of the film’s stars Tommy Lee Jones, Ben Foster, Toby Wallace, and Jenna Ortega. Area resident Adelina Sanches said, “We just wanted to see the movie being made. It's a cool thing because nothing like that really happens around here." The crowd watched several driving scenes including a car with a crane attached to it intercepted other cars, and locals got a front-row seat.
The movie is about a pair of brothers from raised separately who then reunite one summer and get involved with a Boston crime syndicate.
Turn to 10 reports that over half of the movie is going to be filmed in New Bedford. According to South Coast Today.com film crews will be working in Stoughton and Brockton today, and then coming back to New Bedford next week.
No word yet when the film will premiere, but looks like it will air on Paramount + when it does.
Photo: Getty Images