I have a couple of birdfeeders on my back porch and the racoons have been visiting them lately, so I’ve had to take them in at night. That’s about the wildest animal I’ve seen at my house, well that and the wild turkeys that like to eat from the bird feeders too, but never bears, at least not yet, but they’ve been hanging around Coventry and Scituate too!
Just checking out a video on NBC 10's website of a black bear knocking over a bird feeder and feasting on the seeds inside. Two bears were spotted in a Coventry neighborhood, and in Scituate one was seen near Hope Furnace Road.
To keep the bears from hanging out in your backyard, police say you should take in those bird feeders when bears are active. They also advise you to keep your pets indoors and never leave pet food outside. Be sure to secure your trash and recycling, and make sure your grill is cleaned after you use it.
Source: NBC 10