More people are headed back to the office these days, and let’s face it, the office environment isn’t always the cleanest place to be.(ya think?!)
After the coronavirus pandemic, a lot more people are concerned about germs and there are certainly some areas in the workplace more susceptible to germs. Well, now a new report reveals where you are most likely to encounter them.
- Lysol has just come out with their list of the Top 10 Germiest Hotspots in the Office.
- Scientists determined their findings by measuring surface contamination via ATP (adenosine triphosphate) analysis, analyzing people flow through public spaces, and reviewing published literature studies.
- They break the germiest spots down into five areas of the office.
- The top germiest hotspots include:
- Entrance Areas
- Elevator buttons
- Communal Kitchen
- Coffee machine handles/buttons
- Refrigerator door...actually,pretty much the entire fridge
- Kitchen sink taps/handles
- Restroom
- Door handles
- Workspace
- Keyboard & mouse
- Telephones
- Shared printers
- Conference Room
- TV remote control
Source-Yahoo Finance