Oreo lovers will be psyched to hear this. Oreo “fans’ most requested flavor” - Red Velvet - is coming back, but only for a limited time.
Justin Ellen, who you may remember from the Netflix reality series “Is It Cake?,” helped Oreo spread the news with an Instagram video. He showed off what looked like two packages of Red Velvet Oreo cookies and asked, “Is it cake?”
He sliced into one of them, which turned out to be a red velvet cake, and the other one was an actual package of Red Velvet Oreos.
Look for Red Velvet Oreos to arrive in stores on September 12th. They first made their appearance back in 2020 and were a huge hit, so people asked for Oreo to bring them back. Get them while supplies last!
Source: Today
Photo: DanielBendjy / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images