42% Of Millennials Admit To Shopping Drunk Spending Roughly $900 Each Time

Young woman is shopping online using her credit card and laptop in a rainy day

Guilty! I am 100% guilty of this. Granted I could never spend 900 bucks but still, a few hundred? Sure! Easy! And it looks like I am not alone.

A survey done by personal fiance website Finder found that American's spent 44.9 BILLION dollars on drunk purchases over the last 12 months.

According to the survey 22.9% of people admitted that has made spontaneous purchases while drunk on everything from shoes to furniture to accessories to cloths the average purchases totaling $768.58. Sounds like a lot right? Well apparently if you are a millennial you spend a little over $100 more coming in at an average of $879.71!

Check out more on the survey here

Photo Credit: Getty/praetorianphoto

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