Detroit Priest Goes Viral For Using Squirt Gun To Bless Church Goers

Churchgoers lined up in their cars to have their Easter baskets blessed with holy water from Father Tim Pelc's squirt gun. Larry Peplin

What a fun and creative way to celebrate your faith and stay safe!

In an interview with Today Father Tim Pelc said he wanted to find a safe way during the Coronavirus pandemic to continue the tradition of blessing Easter baskets. From their he certainly got creative!

Parishioners lined up in their vehicles, donned face masks and observed social distancing protocols as they celebrated their Easter celebrations by being blessed via water gun with Father Tim Pelc at a safe distance.

Pelc said he wanted to find a way to make sure children had fun memories of Easter during the Coronavirus shutdowns

Since Easter the photos have since gone viral. With serial making fun memes from the photos of Father Tim. So many so the Church decided to get in on the fun and share their favorite below!

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