Video Of Police Officers Complaint Over McDonald's Goes Viral

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Well yet anther Facebook video has people divided. This one comes from Georgia where an officer expressed fear and concern from taking food from a McDonald's location after the food took too long to make.

In an acticle from I found that, McIntosh County, Georgia, sheriff's Officer Stacy Talbert told NBC News that she recorded herself in a Facebook Livevideo Monday morning after an overnight shift, not out of fear but to share her frustration.

"It's not that people are waiting in the wings to hurt us," she said Wednesday. "It's that people don't trust us."

The 3 minute video goes on to explain how no one directly threatened her but due to the current climate she was feeling uneasy and nervous to begin with.

You can watch the video below and check out more on the article here.

Photo Credit: Getty/Tetra Images

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