Free This Weekend: NBA 2K17 and Rocket League

Xbox One owners have reason to rejoice this weekend. It’ll be their chance to get free access to two great games, if they’ve not found a reason to own them for themselves just yet. The games are “NBA 2K17” and “Rocket League” – and they’ll be up for three full days for gamers to try them out.

“NBA 2K17” is still extremely popular, and allows players to go head-to-head against their friends on the basketball court. “Rocket League” is all kinds of awesome as you drive make-shift Hot Wheels around while chasing a giant football.

If you haven’t taken either game for a test-drive, now’s your chance. Assuming that you dig one, or both, of them…after the free preview both games will be offered up at discounted prices. “NBA 2K17” has been dropped to $39, and “Rocket League” has been dropped to $15. Those prices will reportedly be in-effect for a couple days after this free preview weekend is history.

Source: Uber Gizmo

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