If you’ve got a PlayStation, and you’re looking to bone-up on your gaming collection, you might in luck. The latest sale in the PlayStation Store has a few deals up their sleeves that you might be digging. This one’s called the “Critic’s Choice” sale, and it’s running through the end of the month – 8am Pacific on the 28th, to be more precise.
The systems that are getting the most love here are: PlayStation4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. Since the name of the sale is “Critic’s Choice”, it’s a safe bet that you’re going to find some desirable titles here. Those who are in-sync with PlayStation Plus are going to get bigger discounts, too…up to 70%, some cases.
Look for games like “Doom” for under 30-bucks, “Titanfall 2” for under $24, and “Dishonored 2” going for 1/3 off. Now you have a reason to stay home and play with your joystick, rather than get out there and socialize!
Source: Uber Gizmo