Girl’s Macabre Tinder Profile Gets Hits

If you’re looking for that special kind of love, then there are few places better than Tinder to find it. After all, it’s the place where true romance blooms, right? Just ask 36-year-old “Jenn,” who says she went to Syracuse University, and is a self-proclaimed “comedian.” There’s also one other important tidbit in her profile: she says that her dad just died.

This is Tinder, however, and that last piece of info doesn’t stop the guys from bringing their A-game. Jenn has been wooed by the likes of:

Mike – Who asked about her weekend plans, and when she retorted that her dad just died, he replied with a heartfelt, “That sucks.”

Farshad – He totally glossed over the whole death thing, and just sought advice on being a comedian.

Jay – He um…sympathetically offered to bury dear old daddy strategically in one of her body crevices.

Chris – Mentioned that his dad had also just died – not because it was true, but just because it was an icebreaker.

Brandon – Thought a good move would be to mention his dad had just moved to Florida, so it’s “kind of the same thing.”

Now, you know the competition that you have out there from all of these smooth operators. Get your game-faces on there, gentlemen!

Source: BroBible

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