Hey! A Death Star Cornhole Game!

It’s a drunken staple of many a family reunion, tailgate party, and radio station promotion…and now it can celebrate your love for “Star Wars.” Hyperdine Labs is well-known for their proficiency in custom-made Light Sabers, and now they’ve added a new Death Star Cornhole game to their arsenal of cool crap that you need to own.

The layout is true to the final trench scene at the end of Episode IV, when Luke Sywalker fires his torpedoes into the thermal exhaust port. That port is now the hole where the beanbags fall for the ultra-skilled Cornhole pro in your circle. Hitting the hole gives an added bonus, too. There are lights and sounds that are rigged into the board to help celebrate the Death Star’s destruction, along with actual sounds from the movie.

Here’s the bad news, though. Hyperdine says that this is a one-off masterpiece, and that they won’t be creating any more of them. So, unless you find it on ebay one day, you won’t be able to own it. Most-likely because they don’t want to pay the copyright and licensing fees. However, don’t be the least bit surprised of that Sci-Fi ATM Machine doesn’t get wind of this, and run with their own version of it!

Source: Gizmodo

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