App Will Help You Anonymously Tell People You Have An STD

Finding out you have a sexually transmitted disease is pretty embarrassing, but what’s worse is then you’re going to have to inform all your sexual partners they needed to get tested. Well, now folks in the UK have a way to spill the beans with less embarrassment.

Virgin Care sexual health service in the UK is testing out a new app that will allow folks with STDs to  anonymously inform their partners. All patients have to do is provide phone numbers or email addresses of past partners and the clinic will get the info out to them. The text will also give the person a code that can be used on a website to get more info about the possible infections they may have.

And the person getting the text won’t be left completely in the lurch. The alert will also provide them with a link to nearby sexual health clinics where they can get tested and get any advice they may need.

The pilot program is expected to last three months and if it’s successful will likely be extended.

Source: New York Post

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