"Beauty and the Beast" Deleted Scene Reveals the Castle's Enchanted Toilet

In a never before seen piece of deleted footage from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" live action remake, a character by the name of "Monsieur Toilette" is featured.

During the scene when Gaston and his torch-weildeing gang attempt to take on the castle's magical objects, LeFou - played by Josh Gad - locks himself in the bathroom only to be met by the angry inhabitant.

The clip is so short that you can't see exactly what transpires. Gad's facial expression tells us it may have been messy, though.

Monsieur Toilette didn't make the cut for the final silver screen version, but the deleted scene was a favorite of Luke Evans, who played Gaston. "What I miss, which we shot and is not in the film, is you having a fight with the toilet," Evans said.

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